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Ensuring Complete Compliance

By April 16, 2016No Comments
Smoke Alarms, Safety Switches and Corded Window Coverings

One of the most important tasks of a managing agent is to make you aware of up to date legislation, and provide solutions to ensure you are meeting legislative requirements.

Australian Government legislation requires that rental properties must have smoke alarms fitted, safety switches must be checked by a competent person and internal window coverings must meet Trade Practices Mandatory Safety Standards.

It is tempting for owners to turn a blind eye to such compliance laws, because maintaining compliance means financial outlay which does not necessarily yield a corresponding rise in income.

However, owners who ignore such laws do so at an incredible risk, because non-compliance carries fines of up to $220,000 for individuals and $1.1 million for companies, as well as the risk of     compensation claims. Add to this the emotional trauma caused by a serious accident or death at your property, which could have been avoided by taking simple preventative measures.

Having said that, your Solutions Team is acutely aware that your property investment must continue to maintain financial viability. We therefore set out to find a way to provide a complete compliance service, for the best value possible.


Fortunately for our owners, the large number of   properties under our management has given us the bargaining power to negotiate with two excellent companies, an outstanding arrangement on your behalf.  For a very reasonable annual fee, Complete Compliance Australia (for Northside properties) and Major Move Qld (for Southside properties) will ensure your property remains compliant. They will attend your property at every lease renewal and check the Smoke Alarms, Safety Switches, and Internal Window Coverings. They will also attend to any emergency call-outs to your property for this one low price, regardless of how many times we ask them to visit the property in the year.


CCA and Major Move will also issue a compliance certificate that will need to be supplied to your insurer in the event of a fire or accident to confirm the property was compliant at the time of inspection.  All of our managed properties are automatically placed on this complete compliance service, unless written advice is received via our OPT-OUT form.  Our commitment as always is to manage your    property with the right balance of financial return vs. risk mitigation. We believe our recommended Property Compliance Service to be the safest and most responsible approach.

Complete Compliance Major Move


For more information on compliance, click on the links below:


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