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It is in the best interest of all property owners to insure their investment properties under a Landlords policy instead of a Homeowners policy.

‘Homeowner’ insurance means the owner lives in the home for their personal use.

In order for the building to be protected against damage by tenants (either malicious, deliberate or accidental), and you are protected against potential liability, you must insure your property under a ‘Landlord building’ policy.

It is a grey area as most people think if they have a separate ‘Landlord Protection Policy’ they are covered…. WRONG.

If, for example, the unexpected happens and the house burns down as a result of the tenant’s actions (deliberate or not), the owner would not be covered.

To ensure you are fully protected, it would be best to have the insurances combined under a ‘Landlords & Building’ policy. It is a common mistake for owners to insure their investment properties under a normal ‘Homeowners’ policy, as they are unaware that if they don’t disclose to their insurer that their home is rented, it won’t be   covered for a claim, even if they have a separate Landlord policy.

Here at Solutions we want the best for our clients and have recently teamed up with Landlord Insure who can provide you with the complete package for all your insurance needs.


Landlord Insure operates as an agent for Landlords, providing you with a number of comprehensive, cost effective and flexible landlord products with key national insurers. A part of their product is they include a FREE annual safety compliance service (smoke alarm, window cord compliance, and safety switch test) for property investors that combine both their building & landlord insurances with Landlord Insure.


¨ Unlike direct insurers, Landlord Insure sources a number of quotes from various companies, thus ensuring you’re provided with the best deal

¨ Landlord Insure only use premium insurers that are proven in time of need – CGU, QBE, Allianz, & Vero.

¨ Flood, Accidental damage, Malicious Damage, Loss of Rent & Rent Default are all included in their policies

¨ 24/7 claims service – Landlord Insure will handle the claim from start to finish and will negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf

¨ FREE Annual safety compliance service – this is ongoing each year the policy renews.

Landlord Insure

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