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By September 17, 2016No Comments



Nobody ever wants to experience being woken by the sound of a smoke alarm in the middle of the night, the smell of smoke and the vision of flames at the bottom of the stairs licking at the doorway.

Recently one of our tenants experienced just that due to a burning candle left unattended when she retired upstairs to bed for the evening.

The fire caused extensive damage to the entrance of the property, and if it was not for a working smoke alarm at the property, we dread to think what the outcome may have been.

This experience was a real wake up call for both us as Property Managers, and also the owners.  Fortunately the owners had Landlord insurance so they were able to claim the damage that was caused by the smoke and the fire, and have the property repaired in a timely manner.

This is another great example of why it is  important to have an efficient compliance service that keeps the checks on your investment property up-to-date, and meets all legislative requirements in relation to smoke alarms.  Here at Solutions we engage reputable companies to perform this   service.  This means our owners have total peace-of-mind knowing their investment properties are in safe hands.


Fire 1 Fire 2


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