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On Friday 24th April 2020, the Residential Tenancies & Rooming Accommodation (COVID-19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 came into operation, meaning that the new laws regarding special COVID-19 protections for residential tenancies commenced as of the above date.

This new emergency legislation is temporary and will expire on the 31st of December.

While there remains the necessity for owners and tenants to negotiate individual situations to produce successful outcomes, the new laws provide a good framework, setting out clear guidelines and criteria that will assist greatly with negotiations.

The new laws cover the following key areas:

  • Rent reductions for COVID-19 impacted tenancies
  • Restriction on issuing Notices to Leave to tenants until 30th September 2020, with notable exceptions
  • Break Lease sanctions for COVID-19 impacted tenancies
  • Property Entry restrictions and allowances
  • Supporting tenants experiencing Domestic and Family Violence

You can find out all the details by logging onto the government’s website THE HUB, and reading the Residential Tenancies Practice Guide.

Our owner clients will receive an easy-to-follow summary via email communication over the coming days.

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