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Should I invest in Professional Photos for my Rental Property?


Advertising of rental properties is largely misunderstood by the Real Estate industry. They rate Rental listings as second-rate to Sales listings, presumably due to the difference in commissions involved. While every care is taken with photographing Sales properties, most Rental property ads use amateur photos taken by the Property Manager on their smart phone.

The result is a substandard ad that does not show your property is its best possible light, thereby not attracting as much interest as it should from potential tenants. This can lengthen the vacancy period and/or reduce the rental price.

Furthermore, good advertising and professional photos work on a much deeper level. A rental ad communicates more to the potential tenant than just rent price and features; it provides an introduction to the agency, property and owner. If the ad is poor quality, it tells the tenant that the agency has low standards, the property is probably not well-maintained, and the owner doesn’t care about his property. This type of ad actually deters good quality tenants.

Conversely, a quality ad with good, clear professional photos attracts a quality tenant who is looking for a good agency and owner who cares about their property. It also conveys to the tenant that the owner and agent expect the property to be kept to a high standard during the tenancy.

Professional photos are not expensive – between $120 and $200 – and the beauty is that they can be used over and over again, whenever you are looking for tenants. For such a small investment, professional photos are a must.