In some Australian states, tenants are required to pay their rent monthly. In Queensland, there are no specific requirements for how often tenants pay their rent, as long as they do not fall behind in their payments. Most tenants tend to…
Agents collect rent from the tenants, deduct fees and any invoices payable, and then transfer the remaining funds to their owners all at once in what is called a ‘Disbursement’. Most agents perform a disbursement twice a month – at mid-month…
Your investment property is a valuable asset which generates an income stream. You need to consider carefully what would happen if that income stream suddenly ceased. This could happen for a number of reasons, but mostly due to the ‘human factor’. A rental…
Once all the necessary forms have been issued, and Tenants do not vacate on the required expiry date of the Notice to Leave, the Agent must apply to QCAT for a Warrant of Possession. After the application is made, it…
The Residential Tenancy Laws are very specific when it comes to rent raises. Once a Fixed-Term Lease is signed, the rent CANNOT be raised during the lease term unless it is clearly stated in the terms of the Agreement. At the lease…
The Queensland Tenancy laws are very specific about rent arrears and the process that should be taken when a tenant falls behind in rent. A good Agent should manage arrears on a daily basis. When a Tenant falls behind in…
An Agent has a Duty of Care to both tenants and their Owner clients, to ensure that a Tenant moving into a property is on sufficient income to afford the rent. But what is deemed to be ‘sufficient’? There are…
This is a common misconception among owners. Some agents even write this into their lease agreements. Unfortunately, this is contracting out of the Act, and a lease with these conditions would not stand up in Court. While we can REQUEST a tenant…