At the end of a tenancy, tenants are required to hand the property back to the Agent in the same condition than when they moved in – minus fair wear and tear. They will usually be asked to hand in…
For FIXED-TERM Lease Agreements: Tenants are required to give written notice of at least 2 weeks OR the expiry of the lease – whichever is the latter. Owners are required to give written notice of at least 2 months OR the…
Once all the necessary forms have been issued, and Tenants do not vacate on the required expiry date of the Notice to Leave, the Agent must apply to QCAT for a Warrant of Possession. After the application is made, it…
Also known as a ‘Break Lease’, there is provision in the legislation to allow Tenants to end their lease agreement early. Both parties (Owners and Tenant) have responsibilities in this case to mitigate losses on both sides. Tenants are responsible…
A Rental Bond is lodged with the Bond Authority under two signatories – the Tenant and the Agent (on behalf of the Owner). At the end of a tenancy, the Bond money can only be released if both parties agree in writing. Once…
Most Agencies require tenants to pay their first two weeks rent before they move into a property. This is not a ‘down payment’ or a ‘holding fee’ or a ‘deposit’. It is your first two weeks’ rent payment. Many tenants…
This is a term used quite extensively in residential tenancies. When a tenant vacates a property, agents and owners are cautioned to not make tenants responsible for anything that can be classed as ‘Fair Wear and Tear’. ‘Fair Wear and…
This is an extremely contentious issue, because the wording in the legislation of the notice periods required can be misleading. The first thing to remember is that the Lease Agreement overrides all other contracts – including Sales Contracts. Therefore, the Lease must be…