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Why do I need Landlord Protection Insurance?


Your investment property is a valuable asset which generates an income stream. You need to consider carefully what would happen if that income stream suddenly ceased. This could happen for a number of reasons, but mostly due to the ‘human factor’. A rental…

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When can the Rent be Raised?


The Residential Tenancy Laws are very specific when it comes to rent raises. Once a Fixed-Term Lease is signed, the rent CANNOT be raised during the lease term unless it is clearly stated in the terms of the Agreement. At the lease…

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What happens if Tenants Stop Paying Rent?


The Queensland Tenancy laws are very specific about rent arrears and the process that should be taken when a tenant falls behind in rent. A good Agent should manage arrears on a daily basis. When a Tenant falls behind in…

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What is the Process for Engaging a Managing Agent?


In order for an Agent to act on an Owner’s behalf to manage their property, they must sign a Management Agreement (Property Occupations Form 6). This agreement contains all details necessary for an Agent to represent the Owner, including special instructions and fees payable…

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How is a Management Agreement Terminated?


To promote stability for all parties including Tenants, a Management Agreement runs continuously with no fixed end date. If either party (Owner or Agent) decides to terminate the Agreement, it must be made in writing. Certain notice periods apply with a termination,…

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How often are Property Inspections Performed?


Commonly known as ‘Routine Inspections’, in Queensland these are generally performed once every 3-6 months. According to Legislation, 3 months is the MINIMUM time frame that an Agent/Owner must allow between inspections. The first inspection of a tenancy is the…

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How does an Agent Perform a Property Inspection?


The purpose of property inspections is to gain a snapshot of the condition of the property at regular intervals. During these inspections, any routine repairs or preventative maintenance may be identified to assist the owner in maintaining the property’s capital…

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